Automated Data Upload Section for Marketing Mix Modeling in Morpheus

The Upload Data section automates the process of uploading and preparing historical data for your MMM analysis in Morpheus.

This game-changer functionality that Morpheus offers, allows you to integrate your data sources, classify them by type, and format them correctly for building a predictive model that measures the impact of different factors on your KPI.

What are the advantages of using the automated data upload section in Morpheus?

One of the biggest challenges in Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) is the extraction and preparation of data, which can often be complex, time-consuming, and prone to errors.

The automated data upload section in Morpheus simplifies and accelerates this process, providing you with a seamless way to pull, organize, and classify your historical data

By leveraging's connectors and Morpheus’s smart classification features, you can quickly integrate data from multiple sources, eliminating manual effort and ensuring your data is ready for model training in just a few steps.

This automation not only saves time but also reduces the potential for data inconsistencies, allowing you to focus on generating actionable insights from your model.

How does the automated data upload process work?

1. Start the Process

To begin, click on the “New Model” button. A pop-up will appear showing the data connectors you’ve already logged into via, along with recommended connectors that might be useful for your analysis. You can select the accounts you want to include, or upload a CSV file with your historical data if needed.

2. Select Your Data Sources

Choose your data sources from the list of connected accounts. If you need to add a new data source, you can either connect it directly using the recommended connectors or upload a CSV file. This flexibility ensures you can incorporate data from various platforms such as media spend data, website analytics, or external factors.

3. Classify Your Data

Once your data sources are selected, the next step is to classify them into three categories:

  • Media Channels: Where you invest marketing budget (e.g., digital ads, TV, print, etc.).
  • Context Variables: External factors that may influence your KPI, such as seasonality, holidays, competitors' data, or economic conditions.
  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator): The metric you want to measure, such as sales, revenue, or customer sign-ups.

4. Automatic Data Structuring

After classifying your data, Morpheus automatically organizes it into a structured table. The platform aligns data from all sources according to the correct time period (weekly) and ensures it’s ready for the modeling process. This step minimizes the risk of misaligned data and prepares it for analysis.

5. Proceed to Model Training

Once you have confirmed that your data is correctly structured and aligned, you can proceed to the next step. Morpheus will use this data to train your Marketing Mix Model, enabling you to generate actionable insights about your marketing effectiveness.

Can I edit my data after it has been uploaded?

Yes, you can!

Once inside your model, navigate to the "My Data" section. If you need to make any changes to your data sources, you can simply click the "Edit Configuration" button above the dataset.

This allows you to go back and modify the classification of your data sources or update the data itself, ensuring your model remains accurate and up to date. This flexibility ensures that you can continually refine and optimize your model as new data becomes available or as your data needs change.

Ready to simplify your Marketing Mix Modeling?

Request access to Morpheus now and start optimizing your data for better insights.