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Changes in a Blended Connector that can affect my already created queries

When modifying a Blended Connector, it's essential to understand how these changes can impact your existing queries. This article highlights key considerations and best practices to ensure your queries continue to function smoothly.

What should I be aware of when modifying a Blended Connector?

When you modify a Blended Connector, it's crucial to be aware of the potential impacts on your existing queries.

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Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Finalize Modifications Before Publishing: Ensure that all changes to the Blended Connector are completed before hitting the 'Publish' button. Once published, these changes will take effect immediately.

  2. Impact on Existing Queries: Modifying a Blended Connector can cause your already-created queries to break when they are refreshed. Be mindful of this, particularly if you have queries that are actively being used in any Dataslayer destinations.

  3. Areas Most Affected:

    • Combine Results in Google Sheets: Changes to the structure or configuration of a Blended Connector can disrupt the combined results in your Google Sheets. This might require you to reconfigure your sheets to accommodate the new setup.
    • BigQuery Transfers: If you are using append or upsert methods for transferring data to BigQuery, modifications to the Blended Connector can lead to inconsistencies or failures in your data transfers. It's important to verify that your data transfer configurations are still valid post-modification.

Best Practices

  • Review Changes Thoroughly: Before publishing any changes, review them thoroughly to understand their impact on your existing queries and data workflows.
  • Communicate with Your Team: Inform your team about the changes and potential impacts, so they are prepared to address any issues that arise.

By keeping these points in mind, you can minimize disruptions and ensure a smoother transition when modifying Blended Connectors.


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