How to combine Google Extract Data connector and Dataslayer in Looker Studio - Pros & Cons

In this article we'll explain in more details how to work with Google Extract Data.

What is Google Extract Data?

The Extract Data connector is a data source that acts as a data warehouse developed by Google. It allows you to extract data from any Looker Studio connector by selecting the specific fields, date ranges, and filters you want. It also allows you to refresh the query stored at any given moment. This connector specifically helps you to make your reports load faster and be more responsive.

You can learn more about it at this Google link.


How can I use Google Extract Data with Dataslayer?

1. Add data to one report and select the connector Google Extract Data.

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2. Select the Dataslayer connector of your choice and the dimensions and metrics that you want to extract.

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3. And also the date range, and any filters you want. 

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4. After setting up the configuration of the query you want to extract, you can set up a schedule to refresh the data at any given moment.

This schedule will consume your Dataslayer for Looker Studio API calls. You can learn more about API calls in Looker Studio here.

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5. Click on Save and Extract.

Browser template (13)-2Done! Now you can add charts and controls to that report and send it to your clients.

Learn more about charts on this FAQ and controls of Looker Studio on this one.


Pros & Cons of using Google Extract Data


It can make your reports faster to load and offer better performance.

You can share the report with your clients without wasting your Dataslayer API Calls.


A maximum of only 100 MB of data can be extracted.

The information from the extracted data sources is static. It only refreshes at the scheduled hours.


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!