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How to create and configure a Blended Connector in Dataslayer

Don't know how to create a Blended Connector in Dataslayer yet? We are going to explain it to you in this article.

How to find Dataslayer Blended Connectors

Once logged in to Dataslayer, on the bottom of the right side menu you will see the Blended Connector icon available:

Blended Connectors - How to start

Or click here to be automatically redirected!

How to start creating your Blended Connector

Here's a little step-by-step guide that will help you build your Blended Connector:

1. Click on "Create a Blended Connector" and it should take you to a page called New Blended Connector.


2. At the bottom, you should see Table 1 with a connector and Hub accounts option. Please select the first connector you want to include, select a Hub Account you've previously connected, and click confirm.

Blended Connectors - How to start (1)

3. After confirming, you should see other fields called Account, Dimensions, Metrics, Filters, and Options. Please select the ones you're going to use.


4. If you want to add other connectors, just click the + button and follow steps 2 & 3 for this new connector.



Make sure the connectors have at least one common dimension. Most people usually use temporal dimensions such as Date, Week, or Month, but it's up to your needs.

5. Click on the Pencil icon between the two tables to configure the type of join. Depending on the Join operator, you'll have to select the Join Condition which would be the common dimension between both sources.



Learn more about join configurations in this article.

6. Rename the Blended Connector and either Save it as a draft or Publish it.


That's it! Now you have a fully functional Blended Connector ready to be used in your reports!


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!