How to mass duplicate queries from one sheet to another in the same document

With Dataslayer you can mass duplicate queries from one sheet to another in the same document!

Imagine we have a document with separate sheets: one sheet per month. Every month we want to duplicate the same queries we had in our other sheets, but with the new date range. It's easy! You can use the duplicate option on our add-on, and build every query individually, or you can mass duplicate all the queries from that sheet.

Before starting with this process, please close the Dataslayer extension. To keep it open during this process could cause some functionality in the UI of the sidebar to fail, or certain buttons may not work correctly. We will notify you when you can open the extension again, after step #6.

1. Make sure that you have read the new sheet in which you are going to mass duplicate the queries.

2. Open the DataslayerQueries hidden sheet on the document.

Browser template (4)-Jun-04-2024-10-10-04-5294-AM

3. Copy-paste below all the rows in the DataslayerQueries sheet that contain the queries of the "January" sheet

Browser template (14)Copy-pasted values 

4. Delete all these columns on the new copy-pasted values:

Browser template (13)Delete these fields 

5. Fill in manually the new sheet name and range.

Browser template (15)Fill in the new data

6. Change the DataslayerQueries sheet columns "N" and "O" to the new date range you want.

Browser template (8)-4Fill in the new data range

At this step, you can open the Dataslayer extension again. Keeping it open during this process could cause some functionality in the UI of the sidebar to fail, or certain buttons may not work correctly.

  • When opening the extension, we will automatically add a new Query UUID to each one.

7. Click on "refresh all queries" in the Dataslayer sidebar or refresh each query individually (It will work also when a trigger refreshes the queries).

Browser template (9)-1Refresh all queries 

8. Now all the queries are working! See the results:

Browser template (11)-1Final results 

It's done! You've mass-duplicated all the queries you had in the "January" sheet to the new sheet: "February".

Want to have the same Dataslayer tables in different tabs, with different accounts or date ranges, but in the same document? Learn how to quickly do it here using this awesome functionality!


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!