Want to know how to add new metrics in Looker?
In this article you will learn how to find the new metrics or dimensions we added on Looker Studio.
When you ask us to add a new metric or dimension to Looker, this is the process that needs to be done after we tell you that we have uploaded it.
Even if you haven't requested a metric from us, it's good practice to do this from time to time to add new metrics or dimensions that we add to the connector.
- Once in a report, click on Resource > Manage added data sources > Edit or click on the pencil next to the data source you are using.
- After that you will see the next screen, click on refresh fields.
- You will see that the arrow next to the refresh field will start to rotate, indicating that it is loading.
Once uploaded we can have two options:
No new fields found - Click on Continue.
A list of new fields - Click on Apply. - The next step is to click on Done.
That's it! After these steps, you will know if we have added new metrics, and if so add them to Looker.
As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!