How to update my Dataslayer Power BI connector

To access the newest features of our app, please download the updated .mez file and replace the existing one. This step ensures you're equipped with our most recent developments.

The .mez file can be downloaded from our website's "Connect to PowerBI" button. You should do this regularly every time we upload a fix or new feature until Microsoft verifies us as a connector.

If you haven't voted yet, it would help us a lot if you could vote and comment on our connector so that Microsoft accepts it as soon as possible. You can vote here.

Updating the .mez file

1.  Log in to our website.

2.  Click on Open under the Power BI Destination.


3.  Click on Connect to Power BI and download the Dataslayer.mez file.



4.  With the Power BI Desktop app closed, go to the "Custom Connectors" folder on your computer.

[Documents]\Power BI Desktop\Custom Connectors

5. Delete the old .mez file and paste the newly downloaded .mez file.

Done! Now you can open the Power BI Desktop app and it works normally.

As always, please get in touch with us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!