Understanding CPL metrics in the Facebook Ads connector

Do you want to measure the cost per lead (CPL) but you don't know what metric to use?

In this article, we are going to see with what metrics we can measure the CPL with the Facebook Ads connector.

There are two metrics available to calculate it, Cost per On Facebook Leads and Cost per Website Lead. The difference between both metrics refers to where the lead is generated and how the interested user's information is captured.

1. Cost per On Facebook Leads: This metric refers to the average cost per lead generated directly within the Facebook platform.

This usually happens through Facebook lead generation forms, where users can express their interest in a product or service without having to leave the social network. These forms are designed to capture user information (such as name, email, phone number, etc.) within Facebook's own ecosystem.

2. Cost per Website Lead: This metric measures the average cost per lead generated through a visit to an external website.

In this case, Facebook ads redirect users away from Facebook, to a specific landing page where they can complete a desired action (such as subscribing to a newsletter, filling out a contact form, making a purchase, etc.). Leads generated in this way are captured outside of Facebook, using tools or forms hosted on the advertiser's website.

So, which of the two metrics do I choose?

The choice between using "Cost per On Facebook Leads" or "Cost per Website Lead" depends on your campaign goals and how you prefer to capture lead information.

You need to enter the full metric name since "CPL" is not listed in the Facebook API documentation.

  • If you are looking for a quick and efficient way to generate leads within Facebook with minimal friction for the user, On Facebook Leads may be the preferred option.
  • If, on the other hand, you want to drive traffic to your website and capture leads in your own environment, with the possibility of providing more information or personalizing the user experience, then Website Leads would be more suitable.

If you want to calculate the CPL of one of the Meta accounts, for example, Instagram, it would be enough to add the "Publisher Platform" filter. In the following article, you will find how to do it in a more detailed way in Google Sheets and Looker Studio.


Do you want to calculate the average of what a lead has cost you for all campaigns?

  1. Add the total cost of the leads generated by both metrics (both within Facebook and on the website)
  2. Divide it by the total number of leads generated.

This will give you an average cost per lead that includes both lead generation sources.

As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!