Understanding the Sync Frequencies in the Amazon RedShift Destination

When uploading data to Amazon RedShift, we can find different options depending on our needs.

That is why we have different Sync Frequencies that we are going to explain in this article so you can learn the different options we have when transferring our information using Dataslayer.


Schedule option

Select this option to schedule periodic uploads. Ideal for keeping the data updated periodically.

1-3Schedule Option


Manual option

If you have a small volume of data (one month, or one year with a small amount of information): You can use the manual option for an immediate upload of your data. The manual option works in such a way that it uploads all the data at once.

2-3One-Month date range


Manually Splitted option

If you have a large volume of data (a month with a lot of data and many accounts, or more than a year): You can use the manually splitted option. To avoid timeouts, interruptions, and errors, this function divides the queries by groups and executes them periodically, so that the data will be uploaded little by little in an uninterrupted way.

Important: Note that this function can ONLY be executed when the query has TEMPORAL DIMENSIONS added.

When this option is used, the query can take a long time, so once executed, even if the browser is closed, the query will continue to run.

3-May-17-2024-08-44-11-6655-AMFive-years date range


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!