Google UA to GA4 - Migration table equivalences

The migration from Google Analytics (GA) to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) represents a significant digital marketing and analytics shift. GA4 offers advanced features and a comprehensive data model, enabling businesses to gain deeper insights into customer journeys across devices and platforms.

Even with all these benefits we understand all these changes might bring in many doubts, as there are metrics that change their name or are not obtained the same.

For this reason, we have made this article where you will find some UA tables and their equivalence for GA4 to help you with the migration.

Don't forget to check this FAQ where we answer the most common questions about GA4 migration.


User-level Data Table

User-level data UA User-level data GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
City City
Continent -
Country Country
Region Region
Language Language
Date Date
View name Property name
View ID Property ID
Metrics Metrics
Users Total users
New users New users
Sessions Sessions
Page views Views
Bounces Bounce rate
Total time on site (seconds) User engagement*

*The definition of User engagement is the total amount of time (in seconds) your website or app was in the foreground of users' devices, so it can be used as an equivalence of Total time on site of UA.

Traffic Sources Data Table

Traffic Sources data UA Traffic Sources data GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Date Date
Source Source
Medium Medium
Campaign Campaign
Keyword -
Ad content (utm_content) -
User type -
Metrics Metrics
Sessions Sessions
Users Total users
Bounces Bounce rate
Pageviews -
Session duration -
Goal completions Conversions
Goal conversion rate -
Avg. revenue per session value -

There are no goals in GA4, these are replaced by events and conversions. A similar metric for Goal Conversion Rate will be Session Conversion Rate.

Note: Pageviews can be converted to Views in GA4, and Session duration in Average session duration, but if we add them to the table we will get an incompatibility error due to GA4 limitations. To learn more, see GA4 Support.

Content Table

Content UA Content GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Data Source -
Date Date
Exit Page -
Landing Page Landing Page
Page Path Page path
Page Title Page title
Previous Page Path -
View Name Property Name
View ID Property ID
Metrics Metrics
Entrances -
Exits -
Avg. Page Download Time (sec) -
Page Load Sample -
Avg. Page Load Time (sec) -
Page Value -
Pageviews Views
Avg. Redirection Time (sec) -
Avg. Server Connection time (sec) -
Avg. Server Response Time (sec) -
Sample Size used for calculating speed metrics -
Avg. Time on Page (seconds) -

Acquisition Channels and Campaigns Table

Acquisition channels and campaigns UA Acquisition channels and campaigns GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Date Date
Campaign Campaign
Campaign ID Campaign ID
Medium Medium
Source Source
Ad Content (UTM content) -
Keyword -
Metrics Metrics
Sessions Sessions
New Users -
Bounce Rate Bounce rate
Pages/Session -
Session Duration -
Goal Completions Conversions
Transaction revenue Purchase revenue
Ad Cost Advertiser ad cost

Note: Pages/Session can be converted to Views per session, Session duration in Average session duration, and New users have the same name in GA4, but if we add them to the table we will get an incompatibility error due to GA4 limitations. To learn more, see GA4 Support.

Marketing Channel Performance Data Table

Marketing Channel Performance data UA Marketing Channel Performance data  GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Source/Medium Source/medium
Campaign Campaign
Date Date
Device category Device category
Landing page Landing page
User type -
City City
Region Region
Country Country
Metrics Metrics
Sessions Sessions
Bounce rate Bounce rate
Session duration -
Goal completions Conversions
Goal conversion rate -
Transaction Revenue Purchase revenue

There are no goals in GA4, these are replaced by events and conversions. A similar metric for Goal Conversion Rate will be Session Conversion Rate.

Note: Session duration can be converted to Average session duration in GA4, but if we add it to the table we will get an incompatibility error due to GA4 limitations. To learn more, see GA4 Support.

Ecommerce Data Table

Ecommerce UA Ecommerce GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Data Source -
Product Brand Item brand
Product Catergory (Enhanced Ecommerce) Item category
Product List Name Item list name
Product List Position -
Product Name Item name
Product SKU -
View name Property name
View ID Property ID
Date Date
Metrics Metrics
Item Quantity Items purchased
Item Revenue Item revenue
Item revenue (local currency) -
Local product refund amount -
Product adds to cart Items added to cart
Product Detail views -
Product list clicks Items clicked in list
Product list views Items viewed in list
Product refund amount -
Product refunds -
Product removes from cart -
Product revenue per purchase -
Quantity added to cart -
Quantity checked out Items checked out
Quantity refunded -
Quantity removed from cart -
Unique purchases -

Note: Quantity added to cart can be converted to Add-to-carts, and Product Detail views in Item view events, but if we add them to the table we will get an incompatibility error due to GA4 limitations. To learn more, see GA4 Support.

Social Data Table

Social data UA Social data GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Data source -
Has social source referral -
View name Property name
View ID Property ID
Social Engagement Type -
Social interaction target -
Social network -
Date Date
Metrics Metrics
Page views Views
Sessions Sessions
Social actions (onsite) -
Unique social actions (onsite) -
Users Total users

Events Data Table

Events data UA Events data GA4
Dimensions Dimensions
Data source -
Event action -
Event category -
Event label -
View name Property name
View ID Propety ID
Date Date
Metrics Metrics
Event value Event value
Pageviews Views
Sessions Sessions
Total events Event count
Users Total users


As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!