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  2. API Query Manager

How to connect data to Power BI via Dataslayer API

Using the Dataslayer API Query Manager product, you can easily create queries and connect your data from various data sources to Power BI. Once you've started, you can schedule refreshes for your data in Power BI.

Remember that you also have our Power BI destination. Find out more at this link


faqs (23)

1. Log in via our website.

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2. Select "Start trial" on the API product or click on the "Dataslayer API" link at the top.
3. Click on "New query" to create your URL.
4. Authenticate the data source you prefer and build the query you need.


5. Write a query name to identify your URL.


6. Select the "Power BI" format and the timezone you want.


7. Copy the "Short URL" or the Standard one.


8. (Optional) Preview your data on the "View data" button.



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1. Open Power BI.


2. Click on "Get data" on the top menu and select "WEB".

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3. A pop-up window will appear. Copy-paste there the URL you copied before from our API Query Manager product.


4. Wait for the data to load. Then you will be able to select the table you have just imported and transform the data if you want.


And that's all! This is the best way to import any of your digital marketing data into Power BI. What a wonderful tool, right?


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website chat or through our email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!