How to refresh your Hub connection authorization

Experiencing unexpected logouts, permission issues, the error "Some of your hub connections have expired. Please refresh the authorization." or something similar?

Learn how to reauthenticate your credentials with the Dataslayer Hub!

Reauthentication solves such issues, ensuring continuous and smooth access to your connectors.

To do it, just follow these steps:

1. Log into the Dataslayer website.

2. Once logged in, click on the Hub section.


3. Select the data source of the account you want to refresh.


4. Here you have two possibilities:

  • a. If you see the account, click on the refresh icon next to the account.

    New UI - Refresh Hub authorization (3)

  • b. If you do not see the account, click the "Add new account" button.

    New UI - Refresh Hub authorization (2)

5. Follow the steps to sign in again.


6. Once done, you can close the Hub page and refresh the browser of Looker Studio or the product you were working with.


That's it! Now you have refreshed your Hub connection authorization and you can continue working as properly.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!