How to report a discrepancy in Dataslayer?

Please share the following screenshots with the support member that you are in contact with:

Please check all information carefully. If we do not receive all the requested screenshots, the technical team will not be able to review the discrepancy.

1.  The results of the query in Dataslayer.

2. The Dataslayer query configuration (metrics, dimensions, date ranges, options...).

3. The results of the same data from the original data source, that is, on the web console/platform of the data source showing the correct data.

4. The configuration of that second query to check that they are the same parameters as in Dataslayer (metrics, dimensions, date ranges, options...).

That's it!

If your query is on Google Sheets you can also report it on the add-on menu by clicking on "Report this query".

If you are not in contact with any member of our support team, you can attach these screenshots to the issue following the steps of this FAQ.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!