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How to transfer the ownership of a Blended Connector

In this article, you'll learn how to trasnfer the ownership of a Blended Connector so another team member can edit it

On the Blended Connectors page, you should see an icon next to the search bar in the top right corner. When you click this icon a "Transfer Ownership" menu will appear.

How to Transfer Ownership

Just select the Blended Connector you wish to transfer, select the user you want to transfer it to, and click Save.

How to Transfer Ownership (1)

After transferring ownership you won't be able to transfer it back or edit the Blended Connector. If you want the ownership back in the future the new owner must complete this process.

Why would you transfer the ownership to another person?

There are some situations where transfering the ownership of the Blended Connector may be necessary. For example, if the owner of the Blended Connector is going on vacation, we recommend to transfer the ownership just in case any changes need to be applied. 

Another example is when the person that created the Blended Connector is going to another company. The transfer will allow someone else to make any changes to the Connector.

As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!