How to view separately my Facebook Ads & Instagram Ads data

As you know, with our Facebook Ads connector you also get the information from Instagram Ads because both belong to Meta. So, how can you see Instagram and Facebook data separately?

When you add any metric to your query, such as Impressions, Clicks, Cost, among others... it will return data for all the campaigns you have on Meta.

If you want to separate your data, you need to use the dimension Publisher Platform. This dimension will distinguish platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, but also others like Messenger, for example.

You can see all the metrics and dimensions of the Facebook Ads connector in this link.

gs-x-ls-5_14sfwj6Without the dimension Publisher Platform


With the dimension Publisher Platform

How can I configure the query to get data from a specific platform in Google Sheets?

If you are only interested in the data from one of the platforms, you should add a filter.
For example, if you only want the data from Instagram, you should add the following filter: Publisher Platform Equals to Instagram. 

You can choose whether or not to add the Publisher Platform dimension to the query, as the filter will work the same way whether the dimension is included or not.


Filter Publisher Platform Equals to Instagram 

How can I set up the query to obtain data from a specific platform in Looker Studio?

It can be done in two ways:
A. Setting a filter on specific widgets or tables.
B. Adding a control to change the entire dashboard based on the platform you want.

A. Setting up a filter on each widget to retrieve data from a specific platform in Looker Studio:

  1. First, we will select the desired chart, and in the Dataslayer sidebar, we will look for the filter option.

  2. You should select the filter settings as shown in the following image: "Publisher Platform" equals "Instagram".

This way, the widget or table where we have set up the filter will only display data from the platform you have selected, in this case, Instagram.


Results obtained filtering our data

B. Using a control field to select the desired platform.

  1.  Add a control field and select "Publisher Platform."

With this option, the entire report will display data from the selected platform, in this case, Instagram.


Result obtained using a control field

Result obtained using a control field

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!