The table appears empty when I use the Image Asset and Video Asset metrics in Facebook Ads

Have you ever got an empty table when using Image Asset and Video Asset metrics in Facebook Ads, and when you remove the metrics you get data again? Don't worry, here's how to solve it.

Why does it happen?

Facebook will not return data for the table if either of these 2 scenarios occur:

  • If the account has no data for Image Asset or Video Asset.
  • If both metrics are selected together.

The way these metrics work is directly dependent on Facebook, not Dataslayer.

How do I fix this?

To avoid errors when using these metrics, make sure you:

  • Select Image Asset for image ads and Video Asset for video ads.
  • You do not select both metrics at the same time (we recommend duplicating the table and changing the metric).
  • You must have Image Asset or Video Asset data, respectively.


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!