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Understanding how Blended Connectors queries work in Dataslayer

Your Blended Connector have been built and published... What comes next?

Before proceeding, it is important to understand how our blended connector queries work. 

To learn how to start using your Blended Connectors in our destinations, follow the steps in this article.

Blended Connector streamlines the process of pulling information from multiple data sources simultaneously. When creating your query in one of our destinations, you may not need to include all the metrics and dimensions from the blend.

It is important to understand that your query will use the metrics and dimensions you select within the query itself, along with any dimensions added in the blend's join conditions. This means your query may not require all the metrics and dimensions originally included in the blend.

Comparing pulled information with a blend in Looker Studio

The Looker Studio blend differs from the Dataslayer blend. Looker Studio blends data based on the settings in the blend, using all the metrics and dimensions specified in the blend. However, it only returns results for the metrics and dimensions you select in your query. This might lead to different results compared to Dataslayer.

Let's see an example:

Imagine you have a blend of Google Ads and Google Analytics 4, and one of the metrics in Google Analytics 4 is incompatible with the others. Here’s what happens when you create a query:

In Dataslayer

Two situations may occur:

  1. Metric Not Included: If you don’t select the incompatible metric in your query, you’ll get results for the metrics and dimensions you did select.
  2. Metric Included: If you include the incompatible metric in your query, you’ll get an error due to the invalid parameter.

If you want to get the results by skipping the connector that gives this error, you can use the Fetch Data From Available Sources option. Learn more about it in this article.

In Looker Studio

Even if you don’t select the incompatible metric in your query, Looker Studio uses all metrics and dimensions from the blend. If the blend contains incompatible metrics, the data will not be displayed, and you won’t receive any results.


In Summary: Dataslayer retrieves data based on the specific configuration of your query, allowing you to select only the necessary metrics and dimensions. This helps avoid errors and ensures successful data retrieval. In contrast, Looker Studio pulls data based on the blend settings, which may lead to issues if incompatible metrics are included in the blend.

 As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!