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What are the accounts per data source limits?

What do we mean by account?

We understand accounts as all those that you have associated with an email. In the image below we will see an example of how accounts are selected for a certain connector.

Special behavior

Some connectors have a special behavior and what they mean by "account" might be something different. Below you can see the connectors that have these special behaviors and what they mean by account.

  • YouTube: videos published on your YouTube account.
  • Mailchimp: emails or automation you have sent.
  • Google Analytics 4: properties that represent a grouping of data from a website and/or app in Google Analytics
  • Shopify: stores you have activated in your accounts.
  • WooComerce: stores you have activated in your accounts.
  • Klaviyo: 1 Klaviyo account = 1 hub account = 1 account.

Therefore, the account limit in YouTube applies to videos, in GA4 to properties, and in Mailchimp to emails.

In Dataslayer, new account limits have been applied to all the products' plans. These limits came into effect on November 2nd, 2023.

Why did we make this decision?

Our philosophy has always been to charge by the usage of our tools and not the number of users or connectors that you use. However, with the constant growth of users, we’ve noticed that the number of accounts connected to each data source also affects the usage of our servers, the data loading speed, and ultimately, the efficiency of our tools.

Therefore, we’ve decided that, in order to keep giving the best service to our customers and to make it fair to everyone, we limit the number of accounts you can connect to each data source, depending on the plan that you have. With these changes, we keep charging by the usage of our tools and not the number of users or connectors that you use. It also helps ensure fair usage and resource allocation across all our products and plans, allowing us to better manage and maintain the quality of our services, guaranteeing scalable growth of your business.

What are the account limits now?

We only limited the number of accounts associated with the emails under each connector. For example, you can have as many emails logged in as you want on any connector, but the accounts associated with each one will be limited.

Google Sheets & Looker Studio account limits

    BigQuery & API Query Manager account limits

    How will I know what limit I have?

    It's easy; on our pricing pages, you can see the account limits applied to each plan. Additionally, when you're running a query or creating a table with our products, you'll receive a notice both before and after the query is executed, informing you of the account limit you can select.

    If you ever need more accounts, you can always upgrade your plan here.

    As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!