What is #REF! in my DataslayerQueries sheet and how to solve it

Have you seen in the hidden DataslayerQueries sheet #REF! in one of the cells? Don't worry, this is a common error easy to solve.

What the DataslayerQueries sheet should look likes

Typically, the hidden DataslayerQueries sheet looks like the following image. There are no error messages and each column corresponds to its header.

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We also always advise NOT touching this sheet because you can break the queries.

More information about this sheet is in this FAQ.

Why do I have #REF! in some cells of my DataslayerQueries sheet?

#REF! It is a common error that appears when some information is missing.

In this example, we delete "Sheet 3", and #REF! appeared in the cell where the name of that sheet was.

Deleting a sheet is an example, if you haven't deleted any sheets and you get the #REF! error, look in the document history to see what might have happened and what changes have been made.

Note that if you had more than one query in that sheet, more than one row of the DataslayerQueries sheet will have #REF errors! in their cells.

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How can I solve that?

You have two options depending on your needs:

1. If you deleted the sheet on purpose you can also delete that row.

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2. If you do not want to delete that sheet, you can do the following:


A. Go to File > Version History > View Version History.

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A.1 Then select the version history that has the information you want, in this case, the version that Sheet 3 has, and restore that version.

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B. Click on File > Info > Version History 

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B.1 Then select the version history that has the information you want and restore that version.

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Remember: If you haven't deleted any sheets and you get the #REF! error, look in the document's history to see what might have happened and what changes were made, and follow step 2 above.


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!