advanced options

Are you familiar with Dataslayer's advanced options?

This article has used the Google Sheets destination as an example, but these options are mostly common to all destinations

With them, you will be able to customize the way your data will be displayed, which will help you create automated reports in a more personalized way. You can find them in the "Options" section at the bottom of the settings.

browser-template-2_kdldt3Options on Google Sheets


Let's take a look at the most common ones:

All connectors have 8 common options.

browser-template-1_1ustjcvMost common options 

  • Exclude header row:
Removes the title of each column row. This option can not be used together with the "Combine new with old results" option.
  • Include empty data:
Causes empty data responses to be processed (very useful in combination with the "Replace blank cells for 0" option). This means that if there are some ad groups, campaigns, or ads that don't have any data, they won't appear in the table since there are some APIs that don't return any results, but If you add to your query a date dimension and this option, this should display all information, even with 0.

Keep in mind you need to add temporal dimensions to be able to see the empty data.

  • Replace blank cells for 0:

Replaces empty data with a 0

  • Replace "--" cells for blank:

Some APIs return "--" characters when they have no data instead of returning a blank or a 0. This option replaces "--" characters by a blank. Very useful in combination with the "Include empty data" and "Replace blank cells for 0" options.
  • Use format compatible with Looker Studio:
Many of our users connect their Google Sheets to Looker Studio, as explained in this tutorial. This option must be enabled to make the data sent from Google Sheets compatible with Data Studio.
  • Combine new with old results:

Allows you to add new rows of data to existing queries without overwriting the previous information. It is very useful for use with data sources, metrics, or dimensions that can only display data in a finite time range, or for very large queries that cannot be processed at once. This option cannot be combined with the "Exclude header row" option.

Learn how to use this option here.

  • Make filters CASE SENSITIVE:

With this option enabled, the filters will verify both uppercase and lowercase letters. Failure to select it will result in no distinction based on how the information is written in the sheet.


Depending on the connector you are using you can find these options in addition to those already mentioned:

Facebook connector

Browser template (3)-Jun-05-2024-10-42-51-0958-AMFB additional options 

  • Attribution settings:
Attribution settings are a limited period of time for which conversions can be attributed to your ads and used to determine how to optimize the campaign.

Learn more about these options in this FAQ.

  • Skip object if fail due to lack of permission:
If there's a failure due to insufficient permissions to access, the system should gracefully handle the error by skipping the problematic object and continuing with the next one.
  • Return just active accounts:

This option ensures that the output or result of the query specifically focuses on active accounts, omitting any inactive or suspended ones.

  • Skip budget division by 100:
This option means that depending on whether the currency you are working with has cents or not, you should select it so that the result returned by the API is not divided by 100.

This feature is useful when dealing with currencies that do not use cents. If your currency uses whole units only, enabling this option ensures that the API returns the correct value without unnecessary division.

With the Facebook connector, you also have available a different advanced option in our Looker Studio destination


FB additional options in Looker studio 

  • Date Range Mapping:

This filter would use the date selector as a value and allows you to map the selected dimension with the specified date range. For instance, if you only want to receive data where "created_at" falls within the selected date range, you can map it with "created_at".

Google Analytics connector

browser-template-5_13t9jdlGA additional options


  • Avoid GA Sampling:
In data analysis, sampling is the practice of analyzing a subset of all data to uncover meaningful information in the larger data set.

Learn more about these options in this FAQ.

  • Skip profiles user does not have permission to:
If there is any user or account that does not have all the necessary permissions accepted, it will skip and process the next ones.


X (Twitter) connector

browser-template-6_ss7degX (Twitter) connector 


  • Include Twitter Audience Data:
Use this option to avoid discrepancies. Without this option selected part of the data is not shown.
  • Skip Tweet Cards if fail due to lack of permission:
If there's a failure in displaying or accessing a Tweet Card due to insufficient permissions, the system should bypass that particular card and continue processing others.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!