Attribution Settings for Facebook in Dataslayer

Learn how Facebook Attribution Settings work and the benefits of selecting the same settings in both Facebook and Dataslayer

What Facebook Attribution Settings are

Attribution settings are a limited period for which conversions can be attributed to your ads and used to determine how to optimize the campaign. You can take a closer look at what it is and how it works here.

Configure Attribution Settings in Dataslayer

In Dataslayer you can select the Attribution Settings you want, you will have a dropdown option in all our products where you can select any Attribution Settings available from Facebook. In addition to having two checkboxes below the dropdown:

  • Use account attribution setting: When this parameter is set to true, your ad results will be shown using the attribution settings defined for the ad account.
  • Use unified attribution setting (AdSet level): When this parameter is set to true, the results of your ads will be shown using unified attribution settings defined at the ad set level, and the parameter Use account attribution setting will be ignored.

Where you can find these options in Google Sheets, API Query Manager and BigQuery

Once we open the Dataslayer extension in Google Sheets, or open one of our API QM or BigQuery products, we will find the "Conversion attribute setting" option in the Options section.

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Where to find these options in Looker Studio

When we open the Facebook Ads connector settings in Looker Studio, we can select the Attribution Settings for your account. You can go back to edit this setting at any time from your report.

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When should I use the Attribution Settings in Dataslayer?

If, for example, you have experienced some discrepancy or problem when using the pixel, offline, on-facebook and app actions fields, it may be due to the Attribution Settings you have selected at the time.

Go to the corresponding Attribution Settings and select the value you require for the query you want to make (look closely at the Attribution Settings you have in your Facebook Ads account).

Some metrics, like website purchases return 0 depending on the attribution setting you have selected.

In most cases, you have to select the UNIFIED setting to get them right, but it depends on the attribution you have in your account, so sometimes it will come out right with the USE ACCOUNT setting and sometimes with the UNIFIED setting.

You can try with either one or the other option, but not with both at the same time, because then it will return 0.

Also, it is important not to set anything in the custom attribution setting selection field, that can also cause it to return 0 in these metrics.

If you still have a discrepancy after selecting it, please follow these steps.

If you have a conversion attribute setting selected and then you mark the Use account attribution setting option, it will keep the second option, i.e. it will use the account's default Attribution Settings, so the selection you have made will not be applied. If you want to get the data from a specific attribution setting you cannot use the Use default attribute window option.

If you select both options (Use account attribution setting and Use unified attribution setting (AdSet level)), the first option will be ignored, and it will keep the Use unified attribution setting (AdSet level) option.

When comparing your data with Facebook Platform, Make sure you have the same Attribution Settings in both, the Facebook Platform and Dataslayer in the account you are comparing.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!