Solution to GA4 data discrepancies

Are you getting discrepancies with your data when using the GA4 connector? Don't worry, in this article, we will explain why.

When we detect a discrepancy in our GA4 data, we must review certain details to see if we can correct the discrepancy:

1. Check the date range

Check that the date range in Dataslayer and the date range selected in the GA4 console are exactly the same.
Due to sampling issues, for example, not having the same range may return different data.

2. Uses the same dimensions

We should not assume that if we do not add dimensions the sum will be correct. The GA4 API can be buggy when dimensions are not added, and not using the same dimensions in Dataslayer and the console can also give different results.
So you should check by doing exactly the same query (with the same metrics and dimensions) in both Dataslayer and console. 

3. Check the added filters

Sometimes our discrepancies are due to using the segment filters (which are not available in the GA4 API) instead of the normal filters. In custom reports, you can add segments to apply filters, but they do not work exactly the same as normal filters.
So if you want to use filters do NOT use the segment filters and make sure you have the same filter in the console and in the query with Dataslayer.

4. Make the query on the GA4 API website

As you may know, Dataslayer uses the official GA4 API to get the data, but the GA4 API is still in Beta so it may have some bugs. 

If you have reviewed the above steps and the discrepancy still remains, you can make the query on this GA4 API web page.

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  • If you do the exact same query on this page and the discrepancy persists, it is an API issue that Google probably will improve as it updates its API, since GA4 API is still in Beta. 
    This is external to Dataslayer, if you have more doubts we encourage you to contact Google's support.
  • However, if there is no discrepancy in the query created with the API page but there is in Dataslayer, please send us screenshots of both queries and their results (API and Dataslayer) at our live chat and we will try to solve your discrepancy as quickly as possible. 

We explain how to report correctly a discrepancy in this article.


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!