Understanding the behavior of Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights works in a different way than Instagram Ads. It has some limitations on its behavior. But don't worry! In this article we will explain to you everything you need to know to understand how Instagram Insights works.

How Instagram Insights connector works?

1. This connector always gives TOTAL results.

2. The dimension Date returns the creation date of the post or account.

3. If you don't select any Media group dimension, the results will be the total of ALL the posts of that day.

  • For example: If you have uploaded more than one post in a day, and you create a query with Date as a dimension, and Media likes as a metric, the results of the day will be the sum of the likes of all the posts uploaded that day.

4. Audience dimensions can only be combined with Account info dimensions.

5. Audience dimensions can only be combined with Audience metrics.

6. Only ONE dimension of the Audience group can be used per query, except Age of Follower and Gender of Followers which can be combined together.

7. Comment text dimension can only be combined with the Media comments metric.

  • You can combine it with any dimensions (except the Audience dimension as explained in #4) but only with the Media comments metric.

You can check the metrics and dimensions available for the Instagram Insights connector in the following link.

Also, in this article, you can review the combinations of valid metrics and dimensions using the Instagram Insights connector.


As always, please contact us via our live chat on our website or via email if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!