Understanding the Planning Section in Morpheus (Marketing Mix Modeling)

In this article, we'll explain the structure and features of the Planning Section of the Morpheus MMM platform.

The Planning section in Morpheus helps you design your media spending strategy based on your budget or desired outcomes, with specific constraints and accuracy preferences.

There are two ways to do planning in Morpheus: based on budget and based on outcome. 

  1. Planning Based on Budget

    • Enter Budget and Time Period: Input the budget you want to allocate and the time period for this budget. And press "Calculate Plan" to see the predicted outcomes based on your input.
  2. Planning Based on Outcome

    • Enter KPI and Time Period: Input the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and the time period in weeks. And press "Calculate Plan". 

Personalize Channel Budgets

In this section, you can set minimum and maximum spending limits for each channel to ensure the allocated budgets adhere to predefined constraints.

Learn more about the constraints in this article.

Planning results

MMM_icon_c-1It takes a few minutes to calculate the plan. After calculation, you'll see the KPI and ROI for both the total and individual media channels, along with the percentage of confidence for these numbers.


Plan Strategy Section

This section displays the performance of media spending by media channels according to the parameters you set. It also shows the "Shape Effect" (diminishing returns) calculations for each media channel.

Time Allocation

This graph displays how to allocate your budget across media channels over the specified time period, providing a detailed plan of how much, where, and when to spend to achieve your KPI.

The optimization section is a valuable MMM instrument that allows you to experiment with different scenarios and model various strategies without spending real money.


If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact us via website chat or email. We are here to help!

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