Why can't I login to Shopify?

If when you try to connect to Shopify you get an error like this or similar, in any of our products:

Browser template (1)-3

It is because the store name is likely misspelled since the Shopify URL is not written the same way as the store name.

The solution to this error is to only enter the store name without https://, without the .myshopify.com extension, without spaces, and without special characters.

For instance, in the case of the "Account example" displayed below, the accurate store name to input is "accountexample".

Caro-Copia de Browser template (5)

The format of the store name should be only YOURSTORE, please do not input this https://YOURSTORE.myshopify.com or any variations of it.

To find out what you need to enter for the store name, you can log in here. Once logged in, you will see all the stores associated with that email. Simply enter the store name as instructed above.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact us via our live chat on our website or via e-mail if you still have doubts or questions. We are happy to help!